The FREE 5-Day “Your Greatest Opportunity Now

Starting Monday: Learn That New Skill, Start That New Business, Contribute That New Cause, Start That New Passion Project...

    In This Free, LIVE 5-Day Challenge, We Will...

  • Identify your one biggest opportunity to contribute, and your one biggest opportunity to succeed right now
  • Discover your biggest career and business opportunity
  • Design a roadmap for the next 30 days to increase your productivity while working from home
  • Make the plan that will catapult you out of the crisis, and build the foundation to come back much stronger...
  • Register For The 5-Day “Your Greatest
    Opportunity Now” Challenge

Dear Friend Who Wants To Do Well By Doing Good Right Now,

It’s been a month since the world changed forever.

People are concerned. And we should be. Are you struggling and anxious about the future right now? If you’re human, then you’re also concerned about YOUR future as well.

We’ve never seen so many things changing at once, and so many uncertainties on the horizon.

But are you also energized?

If you’re like me, then something has awakened inside of you. I’m watching as too many people are giving up right now… but I’m also watching as many people are activating, waking up, and hearing the call to give their best, and live their best.

I think that most are going to come through this, and wind up in one of three situations:

   1) Worse off.
   2) About the same.
   3) At the next level.

So what will make the big difference?

President John F. Kennedy has a famous quote:

“The Chinese use two brush strokes to write the word 'crisis'. One brush stroke stands for danger; the other for opportunity. In a crisis, be aware of the danger – but recognize the opportunity

We have to remember that... Crisis brings danger, but also opportunity

It brings opportunity to wake up, to see where we need to be living more intentionally, taking better care of ourselves and others, and putting our talent and intelligence to use to do something valuable in the world and in our businesses.

What concerns me about THIS crisis, is that I’m seeing so many people focusing on the dangers of crisis, that they’re forgetting to watch for the opportunity.

Everyone is spending 99% their energy being cautious, and almost no time being wise, and looking at the opportunity.

Be SMART and take precautions, But also be WISE to look for the opportunity

And I’m talking here about the opportunity to really do good in the world, and make a big contribution… and I’m also talking about watching for opportunity for yourself, because let’s face it, if you don’t come through this stronger, then the people who rely on you aren’t going to be in a good place either.

Some people are going to come through this launched forward…

Almost Catapulted Forward…

Some of us will come out of this reinvented, and emerge further ahead. We’ll be literally “catapulted out of quarantine”... reaching new levels of success personally and professionally.

But to do this, we have to be on our game, and using this time to learn new things, get heather, make ourselves stronger, and supporting the people we care about and that matter to us.

Too many people are just “waiting this out” and hoping that everything works it self out. I think that most of these folks will wind up worse off in the long-run.

I’ve Been Through This Twice...

I started my first online business in 2001, right after the “dot com crash.” People would ask me what I do, and I would say “I started an internet business” and they would look at me with a smile that said “I’m sorry.”

I launched my second major business teaching entrepreneurs how to scale and grow their companies in 2007, literally the year of the real estate bubble. Another case of what seemed like impossibly bad timing.

And you know what? Both of these businesses were huge successes.

But those times, it was an accident. This time, I’ve learned and I see the pattern. The pattern is that most people are waiting and hoping, but now is the time to ACT.

This has woken us up, and I hope that it has woken you up, too...

This situation has woken me up completely, it has activated something inside of me.

I’m working every day to bring people together, make a difference, and create value in the world.

Do The “Your Greatest Opportunity Now” 5-Day Challenge With Me And Our Community

And I’ve decided to do a 5-day challenge to inspire you to do the same.

In the 5-Day “Your Greatest Opportunity Now Challenge” we’re going to learn the mindsets to succeed in this time of great change, we’re going to identify your biggest opportunities to contribute… and we’re going to put a plan in place for you to take your next steps in your personal and professional life with confidence… inspired!

It’s time to do new things, and take new risks. We’re taking massive action right now, and I want to show you what we’re doing. This challenge is for massive action takers.

Case studies, books, and documentaries will be made about this time, guaranteed. I am 100% sure of this. No question.

And this is the time for conscious entrepreneurship, for social entrepreneurs, and for new business and contribution ideas. Join me, my team, and some of my friends who are taking massive action… and learn with us during this next week in our challenge.

There are windows of opportunity, but you have to act while the window is open. Join the challenge now:

Register For The 5-Day “Your Greatest
Opportunity Now” Challenge

Register here, and join me and thousands of other around the world to turn this situation into an opportunity to improve ourselves, go to the next level, and make a difference in this world.

Start Reading & Learning Today

You’ll get my entire new book “Opportunity” as a bonus, you’ll get access to our private group, and much more. Start reading, learning, and taking action to find your opportunity to do “do well by doing good” today.

See you inside!

P.S. I’ve been through this twice now. Both times, my successes were accidental. Now we get to do it together on purpose. And I want you to join me and others I know who are taking action right now to build ourselves and our businesses to new levels, make big contributions. Come behind the scenes to see what some of the highest impact-makers and business thinkers are doing right now to turn this crisis into conscious opportunity.

Register For The 5-Day “Your Greatest
Opportunity Now” Challenge

“In the world of online entrepreneurship Eben Pagan is one of the most original, brilliant thinkers out there.”
Larry King